Yes. The student loans were created just as fraudulently as the credit card debts. The system has been working with federally insured student loans, because they were created under same false, phony, money-out-of-thin-air process. The Liberty document content is undefeated and undefeatable. So far, we still have a 100% success rate in student loans being cancelled without litigation. And, we have one victory letter about a student loan Treasury setoff from the U.S. Department of Education, posted on our website. If you haven't
seen it, take a look at it. It is in the Liberty section of our site, listed under where it says "Proof That Debt Elimination Works".
Nevertheless, student loan borrowers are not protected by as many consumer protection laws as credit card borrowers are. Some experts have observed that the quasi-government agencies that make student loans are a little more persistent in pursuing the "repayment" of such "loans". That is why, in an abundance of caution, we make you aware that if you use the Liberty system for student loans, be mentally prepared for needing a little more patience than our credit card customers go through.
If you fit with the 98% or 99% majority of Liberty customers, you would be likely to win your student loan debt elimination administratively, without going to court. But even if you happen to be one of the 1% or 2% who are “lucky” enough to get sued, the good news is that we now have a growing legal team to assist our customers when needed. Of course they would charge their own fees, but generally they are very reasonable and low -- like in the hundreds rather than thousands -- as compared to typical attorneys. And, they have a 100% success rate, in all cases where the client fully cooperated . . . followed the lawyer’s instructions entirely, and did not give up. For more information on this, see